
ICRISAT Recruitment 2022

ICRISAT Recruitment 2022 Apply Online Candidates can check the latest ICRISAT Recruitment 2022 Program Director Vacancy 2022 details and apply online at recruitment 2022 page. Here we have provided ICRISAT Recruitment 2022 online application form, online process, so candidates can apply at ICRISAT official website

ICRISAT Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Details
1. Post Name: Program Director

2. Location: Patancheru

3. Duration: 36 month(s)

4. No of Post: 01

5. Primary Responsibility:

a. Lead the formulation of innovative business development opportunities.

b. Proactively gather donor intelligence and identify new donors or potential funding opportunities.

c. Develop and present innovation funding pitches to current and new donors.

d. Coordinate multi-disciplinary teams to develop proposals and follow-through for successful funding.

e. Work in partnership with stakeholders to submit proposals for competitive calls.

f. Coordinate timely submission of donor reports and compliance with donor regulations.

g. Coordinate with the Office of the Deputy Director General- Research and Financial Services for project management.

6. Qualifications and Experience:

a. The ideal candidate will have most, if not all, of the following skills, knowledge, experience, and personal characteristics:

b. At minimum a Master’s degree in a relevant field of business development or strategic marketing.

c. Relevant work experience of at least 15 years for Director, and 10 years for Global Head, in business development and resource mobilization in agricultural research for development or a similar area.

d. Experience across all phases of the business development lifecycle, from strategizing to successful proposals.

e. Substantial proven success in generating resources from a diverse range of sources.

f. Well connected with key funding organizations such as corporations, governments, foundations, impact investors, etc.

g. Experience in business development areas such as Corporate Social Responsibility, multinational donors, development banks, consulting etc.

h. Analysis of business processes to identify opportunities to generate additional revenue.

7. Preferred Qualifications: Master’s Degree, Business Development, Strategic Marketing

8. Additional/Preferred Skills: donor intelligence, donor reports, new business models, Strong Interpersonal, Collaborations